A beautiful landscape is worth a thousand sales pitches!
What do you think of when you hear the term ‘landscaping’? From a definition standpoint, the word means changing the appearance of an area of land by planting trees, flowers, shrubs, and other plants. It can be as simple as planting a single row of daisies to modifying the entire visible features of an area of land. Landscaping can be simple or complex depending on the resources and time you have, including the human power, needed to complete the project.
In the world of real estate, whether it’s your own residence or a property you own and lease, landscaping has a starring role to play. If you were to refer to the popular adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words”, you could easily apply it to landscaping. Why? Because what people remember when they have that first look at a property is a snapshot they will play back in their heads. No amount of sales pitch or marketing-speak is more persuasive.
That begs the question, “Why is landscaping so important and what kind of impact does it have on your property other than the most obvious of enhanced aesthetics?” We believe there are a few very good reasons why landscaping matters so much and we’d like to share them with you.
Landscaping Contributes to a Healthier Environment.
With a little persistence and collaborative effort planting flora that is natural to an area, avoiding chemical usage, and people contributing the time and energy to do the work, green spaces can be kept healthy and thriving whether your own home, business, or rental property. As more attention is focused on sustainability and smarter climate choices, well-managed landscape can be a major contributor.
Landscaping Rejuvenates the Soil and Water and Diminishes Air Pollution.
Rain gardens are a major contributor to the rejuvenation of wetlands. Rain barrels are an excellent way for property owners to collect rain and redistribute it throughout the property grounds.
It’s also important to plant the right trees and plants that are well suited to the area, as well as considering factors such as water availability, spacing, wind patterns, and weather in general.
Erosion should always be dealt with as it can be devastating and be the cause of increased flooding. Landscaping through the planting of grass and shrubs, holds the soil together with their roots, diminishing runoff. It can also have a positive effect on a wider scale, reducing pollution in rivers and streams, and preventing clogging in waterways.
Landscaping Enhances Good Mental Health.
Nature has a way of reducing stress as many scientific studies have shown. Even improvement in memory and cognitive functions are improved. Having plants and trees in the home and at work
boost feelings of happiness when and ease. For property owners, a beautifully designed landscape can make the difference in how appealing your property is to potential tenants and buyers.
Landscaping Enriches the Property and the Neighborhood.
Not only does landscaping have a huge impact on the quality of a neighborhood, but it also plays a starring role in determining the value of the property. If a lovely, landscaped property draws positive attention, it can serve to motivate surrounding property owners to step up their landscaping agenda.
When a neighborhood has beautiful parks and green spaces which attract visitors, it encourages more development in the area, thus creating more overall property value for existing homes.
Cousin James Management can help you with questions or issues about landscaping. We have a bevy of artisan landscape professionals, who know how to manage and improve any size or shape property from the ground up. Meantime, here are a couple of our previous posts on the subject of landscaping that may be helpful to you.
Landcaping will attract high quality tenants
Landscaping tips for rental property
Landscaping is only one of the popular services Cousin James Management provides its hundreds of customers throughout North Texas. We offer full-service maintenance, 24/7, comprehensive tenant screening, real estate sales and leasing, and rent collection/monthly account reporting.
Whether you’re a seasoned property investor or a newbie, Cousin James can help you. Take a look at our properties for lease in the Dallas area to get an idea of who is leasing what and for how much in a wide range of locations.
If you have a property you’re considering selling, give us a call and let’s chat. We’ll give you some tips on the subject. In fact, you might decide to hang onto it and lease it out. Of course, we can easily help you with that, as well.
Whatever you need where real estate property management is concerned, just let us hear from you. Contact us in the most convenient way, telephone, email, or website! We’re here to help!
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